Black Lawrence Press, 2014

Cinematheque Press, 2009
Out of Print
Dancing Girl Press, 2007

New Michigan Press, 2003
Out of Print

Dusie Press, 2007
Out of Print
Black Lawrence Press, 2018

Simone Muench was raised in Louisiana and Arkansas and now lives in Chicago, IL. She is the author five full-length collections: The Air Lost in Breathing (Marianne Moore Prize for Poetry; Helicon Nine, 2000), Lampblack & Ash (Kathryn A. Morton Prize for Poetry; Sarabande, 2005), Orange Crush (Sarabande, 2010), Disappearing Address, co-written with Philip Jenks (BlazeVOX, 2010), and Wolf Centos (Sarabande, 2014). She is also the author of the chapbook Trace which received the Black River Award (Black Lawrence Press, 2014).
In 2014, she was honored to receive Helen Coburn Meier and Tim Meier Charitable Foundation for the Arts Achievement Award for innovation, achievements and community contributions. She is also the recipient of a 2013 NEA Fellowship for Poetry, two Illinois Arts Council Fellowships, residency fellowships to Vermont Studio Center, Yaddo, Artsmith, and Atlantic Center for the Arts, the 49th Parallel Award for Poetry, the AWP Intro Journals Project Award, the Frederick Stern Award for Teaching, 2013 and 2015 Lewis Faculty Scholar Awards, and the PSA’s Bright Lights/Big Verse Contest among others.
After receiving her Ph.D from the University of Illinois at Chicago, she began directing the Writing Program at Lewis University where she is Professor of English and teaches creative writing and film studies. Currently, she serves as chief faculty advisor for Jet Fuel Review.

Simone Muench was raised in Louisiana and Arkansas and now lives in Chicago, IL. She is the author of seven full-length collections: The Air Lost in Breathing (Marianne Moore Prize for Poetry; Helicon Nine, 2000), Lampblack & Ash (winner of the Kathryn A. Morton Prize for Poetry and a New York Times Editor’s Choice; Sarabande, 2005), Orange Crush (2010 Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Poetry; Sarabande, 2010), Disappearing Address, co-written with Philip Jenks (BlazeVOX, 2010), Wolf Centos (Sarabande, 2014), Suture, co-written with Dean Rader (Black Lawrence Press, 2017), and The Under Hum, co-written with Jackie K. White (Black Lawrence Press, 2024). She is also the author of Trace which received the Black River Chapbook Award (Black Lawrence Press, 2014), and the editor, with Dean Rader, Jackie K. White, and Sally Ashton, of They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing (Black Lawrence Press, 2018).
In 2014, she was honored to receive The Meier Charitable Foundation for the Arts Achievement Award for innovation, achievements, and community contributions. She is also the recipient of a 2013 NEA Fellowship for Poetry, a 2023 Lewis University Career Scholarship Award, three Illinois Arts Council Fellowships, the 49th Parallel Award for Poetry, the AWP Intro Journals Project Award, the Frederick Stern Award for Teaching, several Lewis Faculty Scholar Awards, the PSA’s Bright Lights/Big Verse Contest, and residency fellowships to Vermont Studio Center, Yaddo, Artsmith, VCCA, and The Atlantic Center for the Arts.
After receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago, she began directing the Writing Program at Lewis University where she is Professor of English and teaches creative writing and film studies. She has also served as visiting writer for Northwestern University's MA/MFA in Creative Writing Graduate Program. Currently, she serves as chief faculty advisor for Jet Fuel Review, as a senior poetry editor for Tupelo Quarterly, and as poetry editor for JackLeg Press.
She created the Sunday Reading Series: Poetry, Prose, & Cocktails at Hungry Brain, which she co-hosts with Kenyatta Rogers.

Awarded a writing residency to attend The Hambidge Center
Awarded a writing residency to attend Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA)
Awarded a writing residency to attend Wild Acres Residency Retreat
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, are published or forthcoming in the following journals: Kenyon Review, North American Review (finalist for the James Hearst Poetry Prize), Pleiades, Missouri Review, swamp pink, phoebe, New Letters, and Verse Daily
The Under Hum, co-written with Jackie K. White, AVAILABLE now from Black Lawrence Press
Recipient of a 2024 Ragdale Residency
Attendee at the 2024 Martha’s Vineyard Summer Writers’ Conference
2024 New Orleans Poetry Festival Panelist for "Reclaiming the Narrative" with Ananda Lima, Melissa Studdard, and Kelli Russell Agodon.
Awarded NELLE's Three Sisters Award in Poetry, along with my collaborator Jackie K. White, for their 7th Issue
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, are published, or forthcoming, in the following journals: NewCity Magazine, The Massachusetts Review, Laurel Review, and NELLE.
Recipient of the 2023 Lewis University Career Scholarship Award, given once to a faculty member for lifetime scholarly achievement
Her book Wolf Centos was one of The Guardian's selections for "Top 10 Stories about Wolves"
Recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Agency 2023 Artist Fellowship Award in Poetry
"Against Teleology," first published in The Journal appears in The American Sonnet: An Anthology of Poems and Essays (University of Iowa Press) and Between Paradise & Earth: Eve Poems (Orison Press)
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, appear in Swwim, Diode, Zone 3, Bellevue Literary Review, and Harbor Review.
"The OED Defines Red Hot" appears in the in the RED: a Hue Are You Anthology (Jambu Press, 2023).
Three elegies, co-written with Jackie K. White, forthcoming in In The Tempered Dark: Contemporary Poets Transcending Elegy (Black Lawrence, 2024)
Awarded a fellowship by the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA)
Recipient of a 2022-23 Lewis Faculty Scholar Award
Creative nonfiction piece, "Monsters, Murders, & Suitcases," forthcoming in North American Review.
Verse Daily Web Weekly Feature, July 25, 2022 for "Portrait as Landscape: Untranslatable" (first published in Shenandoah)
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, appear in NewCity, Cider Press Review, and Zócalo Public Square
AWP 2022 Conference Panel: "New Directions in the American Sonnet," March 26th
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, are forthcoming in Shenandoah, Zone 3, swamppink, Puerto del Sol, and Salamander.
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, are forthcoming in the following anthologies:
-The American Sonnet: An Anthology of Poems and Essays, University of Iowa Press
-Odes to Our Undoing: Writers Reflecting on Crisis, Risk Press and Saint Mary’s College of California
-Between Paradise and Earth: Eve Poems, Orison Books
Hex & Howl is available from Black Lawrence Press. You can read a review of it at Harriet Books/Poetry Foundation by Ryo Yamaguchi.
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, appear in Missouri Review, American Poetry Review, The Hopkins Review, Gulf Coast, RHINO, and Hobart,
Poetry Editor for JackLeg Press.
Presenter at the 36th Annual Printers Row Lit Fest: "Writers Who Teach, Teachers Who Write"
Collaborative sonnet co-written with Dean Rader in New Poetry from the Midwest 2019
Recipient of a 2020 Lewis Faculty Scholar Award
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, appear in The Journal, Pleiades, Hypertext Magazine, Los Angeles Review, Bennington Review, Ecotone, Spoon River Poetry Review, Denver Quarterly, The West Review
Recipient of a 2019 Illinois Arts Council Finalist Award in Poetry
Interview “Revision is part of the art” in Kenyon Review by Kristina Marie Darling
Reading at the Poetry Foundation for The Eloquent Poem: 128 Contemporary Poems and Their Making Book Launch on May 23rd, 2019
In Newcity's LIT 50 2019: Who Really Books In Chicago
Reading at the Poetry Foundation for their Open Door Series and introducing Zakiya Cowan on December 17th, 2019
A guest editor, with Dean Rader, for the June issue of underbelly run by Maya Marshall and Marty McConnell
Collaborative poems, co-written with Jackie K. White, appear in Posit, Isthmus,
Flash fiction piece "Wild Roses, Red Feathers" in The Field Guide to Evil (Mondo, 2019)
A guest editor for The Baltic Writing Residency's new lit journal Action, Spectacle
“Portrait as Landscape: Not the Fox,” co-written with Jackie K. White, in the Cincinnati Review
Keynote Speaker for St. Francis Writers' Conference. November 2018
Creator and organizer of the Sunday Reading Series: Poetry, Prose, & Cocktails. A reading series offered the third Sunday of every month at Hungry Brain in Chicago. Co-hosted with Kenyatta Rogers.
They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing, co-edited with Dean Rader, Sally Ashton, and Jackie K. White (Black Lawrence Press, 2018)
Northwestern's Summer Writing Conference Keynote Reading and Discussion
"From Singular to Shared: the Combined Mind of Collaborative Writing"
with Anne-Marie Akin, Laura Jones, Christine Pacyk, & Virginia Smith Rice.
In Newcity's LIT 50 2018: Who Really Books In Chicago
Appear in the documentary film, The Fitting Room, directed by Leonardo Fallucca and Muamer Celik and featuring poets Angela Jackson, Nate Marshall, Reginald Gibbons, and Camila Ruiz. Screening: Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 7:00 PM at The Poetry Foundation.
Two collaborative sonnets, written with Dean Rader, in American Poetry Review
Suture (aka Frankenstein Sonnets), co-written with Dean Rader, AVAILABLE now from Black Lawrence Press
Senior Poetry Editor for Tupelo Quarterly
Edelstein-Keller Visiting Writer Series, University of Minnesota, Oct 5th
AWP: "I Got You Babe: The Dis(Harmonies) of Collaboration," March 31st
Visiting Writer at Vermont Studio Center, March 3rd
Pop-Up Poetry Series at the Art Institute of Chicago, Jan 6th
Orange Crush: LUNA LUNA’s Best Books of the Past 10 Years
The Cloudy House Interview on Wolf Centos and Trace
Boston Review: Wolf Centos Micro review
Harvard Review: Wolf Centos Review
The Economy Interview on Suture (aka Frankenstein Sonnets)
New collaborative sonnets, co-written with Dean Rader, appear in New American Writing, Zyzzyva, Blackbird, Kettle Blue Review, Fifth Wednesday Journal, Likestarlings, POOL, Columbia Poetry Review, DMQ Review, The Economy, Coal Hill Review, and LUNA LUNA.
Illinois Featured Poet
Black Lawrence Press National Poetry Month Spotlight
Recipient of a 2015 Lewis Faculty Scholar Award
Recipient of The 2014 Helen Coburn Meier and Tim Meier Charitable Foundation for the Arts Achievement Award, recognized for innovation, past achievements, and community contributions
Kansas City Star names Wolf Centos one of the 100 best books of 2014
Wolf Centos makes Newcity’s Top 5 of Everything 2014: Lit
Trace, recipient of the Black River Chapbook Prize from Black Lawrence Press, is available for purchase
Poems appear in Boston Review, Academy of American Poets, Indiana Review, Bellingham Review, Four Way Review, A Public Space, Gulf Coast, Salt Hill, Another Chicago Magazine, Catch Up, Fifth Wednesday Journal, The Laurel Review, Mid-American Review, Newfound Journal, Quarterly West, Whiskey Island, and Escape Into Life.
2013 and before
Recipient of a 2013 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Fellowship in Poetry
Recipient of a 2013 Yaddo Writers Residency
Recipient of 2011 and 2012 Vermont Studio Center Fellowships
Guest Editor for the Fall 2012 Issue of Fifth Wednesday Journal
Sarabande Books
JackLeg Press
Helicon Nine Editions
Dancing Girl Press
Switchback Books
Jet Fuel Review
Tupelo Quarterly
Academy of American Poets
Gulf Coast
A Public Space
Boston Review
Salt Hill
The Laurel Review
Quarterly West
Mid-American Review
Denver Quarterly
American Poet
Fourteen Hills
Iowa Review
Poetry Magazine
Poetry Daily
Verse Daily
Paris Review
Crab Orchard Review
Indiana Review
Bellingham Review
Barn Owl Review
Barrelhouse Review
Kim Ambriz
Chiyoko Yoshida
Joan of Arc
Stephen Malkmus
New American Writing
Superstition Review
The Cincinnati Review
Beth McDermott
Christine Sneed
Emily Jungmin Yoon
Kristy Bowen
Nickole Brown
Rikki Ducornet
Heather June Gibbons
Daniel Handler
Jason Koo
Karyna McGlynn
Virginia Smith Rice
Michael Robins
Erika L. Sanchez
Patty Seyburn
Susan Slaviero

For readings and poetry requests (and horror film recommendations), please email me: Simone@SimoneMuench.com